Top 10 Bird Baths on Stand
What I believe to be among the top ten bird baths on a stand, sold in the UK with those made in all types of material, and made to a similar height.
I present to you my top bird baths on stand which offer you those made in cast iron or stone resin - but with fewer plastic options. Highlight of my list are the solar powered bird baths, but the stone options blend into the landscape. Trial and error still applies with positioning, and so does patience to see birds use it.
- Peckish: Decorative Metal Bird Bath
- Garden Mile: Duck Family Solar Fountain Bird Bath
- DGS: Stone Devon Ornamental Bird Bath
- Fallen Fruits: Cast Iron Bird Bath On Stand
- Nature's Market: Cast Iron Standing Bird Bath
- Kingfisher: Bronze Effect Bird Bath
- DGS: Stone Celtic Ornamental Bird Bath
- Gardenkraft: Clam Shell Bird Bath with Planter
- Smart Garden: Solar Tipping Pail Fountain Bird Bath
- Wildlife World: Coniston Bird Bath Set with Short & Tall Stem
No disappointment to be had on my top ten as I believe I have listed only the best kind of bird baths on stand you can buy within the UK.
What I mean by that, and while excluding the made in plastic bird baths, I believe those bird bath which are heavy with a wide base to be the best.
That is because bird baths struggle in any wind, so making sure you got the balancing act right - would not see the bird bath topple over so easy.
And while I have two bird baths made in lightweight plastic featured, they will benefit with use of stabilising pegs, and so to any bird bath that as gaps in the base you can thread pegs through.
Made in all kinds of material with weight and height varying between each bird bath, I hope this can inspire you, so you can go on and find one that is to your liking - that is of course if you have no luck in my top ten list of bird baths.
Self balancing bird baths only
Once you've located any of the bird baths you may decide to invest in on my list in your garden, the only concern you should have then is toppling over prevention.
Its OK if a lightweight plastic or in many respects, a cast iron bird bath tips over, but for a stone bird bath to topple can see it crack under its own weight.
You therefore need to make sure there's no possibility of that ever happening, so be sure to anchor it where it makes sense.
To position a bird bath on concrete or a patio, make it an area that is not prone to a strong winds - where it acts as a sort of wind tunnel.
I would also recommend you set a stone bird bath in a foundation of cement or make a sort of anchor that buries deep into the ground, for extra support.
Shallow water dish for safety
Of the ten bird baths on a stand I have featured, all are made with a dish for holding the water at various depths.
Its all well and good using a bird bath with a deep dish as it means their water will last longer, and so to will it take longer for it to evaporate in the heat.
However, deep bird bath dishes can be a danger to wild birds as it risks them drowning if they cannot get a footing on an otherwise slippery water dish base.
Be sure to consider adding a helping of pebbles - decorative or out of the garden - to layer on the base to provide footing.
It won't hurt to also add a rock of some kind to act as an additional perch, just in case the rim of the bird bath is deterring wild birds, rather than inviting to them to land.
Made in heavy material
Of the ten bird baths I have featured, refer to my table below to notice how I all but three are made in what can be classed as heavy material.
I refer you back to my self balancing bird baths topic, as a heavy bird bath is sure to stay standing in any wind.
But that is not a guarantee - made in heavy material or not - but it sure can help a load when measuring up your options to the lightweight plastic bird baths.
And guess what, I do have a small number of plastic bird baths listed, but that is only so I am fair in offering you a wider choice - so you do not have to pick a plastic bird bath.
But know that if you do, not only will it be much cheaper than the heavy stone or cast iron bird baths, but they are cheaper to replace.
Solar powered pump later purchase
I must bring to your attention the two solar powered bird baths I do have feature, and while highly practical, a little more attention is needed.
While a stone or cast iron bird bath can be located anywhere, these solar powered fountain bird baths need to be situated in direct sunlight to operate.
You do not need to spend so much on a solar powered bird bath when a specialty bird bath pump can be bought for less cost, as an additional accessory.
For now I would recommend you concentrate on buying a basic bird bath, with an option of purchasing a pump later.
However, these pumps sold alone are not attractive, nor are they always compatible with the bird bath dish - so it may also be worth that extra expense to buy a purpose built solar powered bird bath after all.
Bird baths on stand data
Product Name: | Material: | Height: | kg: |
Peckish: Decorative Metal Bird Bath | Metal | 60cm | 1.8kg |
Garden Mile: Duck Family Solar Fountain Bird Bath | Stone | 84cm | 1.2kg |
DGS: Stone Devon Ornamental Bird Bath | Stone | 80cm | 77kg |
Fallen Fruits: Cast Iron Bird Bath On Stand | Cast Iron | 39cm | 2.3kg |
Nature's Market: Cast Iron Standing Bird Bath | Cast Iron | 62cm | 2.4kg |
Kingfisher: Bronze Effect Bird Bath | Plastic | 86cm | 1.6kg |
DGS: Stone Celtic Ornamental Bird Bath | Stone | 55cm | 60kg |
Gardenkraft: Clam Shell Bird Bath with Planter | Plastic | 60cm | 1.8kg |
Smart Garden: Solar Tipping Pail Fountain Bird Bath | Stone | 84cm | 1.2kg |
Wildlife World: Coniston Bird Bath Set | Clayplas | 62cm | 2.6kg |
I hope I haven't disappointed you in my bird bath options I have listed here on my top ten, so please feel free to use my seller links to go on and explore more options.
But my top 10 bird baths on a stand I have included are sure to inspire at least, with a basic but practical stone or cast iron bird bath, to the solar powered option.
All are featured in my list below, but if you refer to the table above, I have taken the liberty of outlining all important features of the ten bird baths.
Material bird baths are made in are outlined with heavier build material in favour.
But then there's the general height of each bird bath to give you an idea how its built, but that can be referenced with the weight I have listed in the last column.
1. Peckish: Decorative Metal Bird Bath

To buy on Amazon the price is just about right for a metal bird bath.
I take great pleasure in presenting to you this all metal decorative bird bath on my top ten list, as one of my all time favourites currently available to buy in the UK.
But what does it have to justify its place on the very top of a competitive list?
Well, to begin with its a no-nonsense bird bath that is made in all metal, so has some weight to it, which is important in a bird bath.
To be weighty this can only benefit you in terms of preventing the heavy-top bird bath toppling over in wind.
Which is just as well as there's no opportunity to insert pegs to its base as there's no open gaps to do so.
What do get is a solid bird bath with a fairly deep bird bath bowl, but can be used with pebbles if its an issue.
Decorative leafy branch spirals up the bird bath on stand which not only is an attractive feature, but offers some depth to an otherwise smooth surface bird bath.
2. Garden Mile: Duck Family Solar Bird Bath

Not a cheap solar powered bird bath to buy on Amazon, with it costing well over £100.00.
In a close second place is this novelty but highly practical solar powered bird bath that does not only work as it says, but can offer a little character to the garden.
Now I must say I am not a big fan of garden ornaments that need batteries, or worst still requires unsightly wiring protruding from it - that is not a nice look for any garden.
So its only because of what is promised in terms of no wiring required, is what makes this a true solar powered bird bath; or more accurately known as, a water fountain bird bath.
As a whole, you get a well built, stone resin bird bath that does have some weight to it.
On that it has two solar panels inserted opposite sides of each other, level with the outer rim of the bird bath bowl. And don't worry, they can be submerged in water.
And what a bird bath bowl it is too, quite large to make up the room taken up by the solar panels, but not so big as to be top heavy. But the support of the rounded base is helped with a weighty bird bath overall.
Highlight of this bird bath is of course the ornamental duck family positioned in the centre of the bowl, to which the water is pumped up to the umbrella to allow it to gently trickle off.
3. DGS: Stone Devon Ornamental Bird Bath

Most costly to buy on my list for what is the most stunning bird bath you can buy on Amazon.
And my first stone cast bird bath on a stand to appear third on my top ten is this beautiful, built in the UK 'Devon' ornamental bird bath.
Notwithstanding, Discount Garden Supplies offer a number of these stone bird baths, but this one is among the best of the lot, in my opinion.
Why that is, well because it really does have that authentic bird bath feel to it, so is sure to blend in beautifully in the garden, while wild birds are sure to be attracted to it.
Bit weathered as pictured I grant you, but in reality your brand new stone bird bath is going to be polished up - only the natural weathered effect will happen in due course.
In terms of practicality, the wide top water bowl is supported by a much wider base, so never expect this substantially heavy stone bird bath to tip over, as I don't believe that is a possibility.
So what do you get for your investment? Well, a stone bird bath is sure to last the test of time, so no replacing it for many years to come.
On top of that you get the remarkable decorative engraving around the detailed bird bath stand, with a bird bath bowl that is sure to bring wild life to your garden.
In contrast to the square base, the bird bath bowl is a rounded one with enough depth for water, but the use of adding pebbles to make it shallower will only blend in with the stone.
4. Fallen Fruits: Cast Iron Bird Bath On Stand

Solid, safe all cast iron bird bath is costly on Amazon, but is well worth the price.
I have two cast iron bird baths for you on my top ten bird baths on stand list, only this one win's in terms of usefulness when compared to similar options.
What that means is this one is the heaviest of the cast on bird bath on a stand which will help weigh the bath down in any wind.
And because it has quite a narrow, streamline bird bath stand, that can only benefit you in seeing the wind pass by, rather than there being to much area for wind to pick it up, and blow over the bird bath as a result.
Anyway, where there's any issues surrounding windy conditions, the open gaps located on the rounded base can serve to allow bird bath stabilising pegs for anchoring, so hopefully no more tipping over.
But on top sits a rather interesting large rounded water dish where wild birds have an option to perch on a comfortable rim.
This rim is made with decorative gaps that not only serve to enhance the overall feeling to the cast on bird bath, but it can allow water to drain away in a more subtle way, rather than seeing rain water gushing out like a broken gutter.
Although I might add that its not the purpose of the holes, but every little helps.
When, not if, wild birds land on the rim of this bird bath to drink or enter the water to bathe, they will share the rim with a rather large ornamental cast iron bird.
5. Nature's Market: Cast Iron Standing Bird Bath

Cheaper of the two cast iron bird baths listed, and therefore available to buy on Amazon.
And then there's my second cast iron bird bath on a stand, which happens to come fifth on my list, but that is not a judgment on its quality, which is surely best as they get.
What this cast iron bird bath offers you is up to 20cm more in length, while an extra 200g or so in weight can only help in terms of stability.
That stability realises heavily on a smaller than usual rounded base, but those open gaps can be used to insert pegs to stabilise when situated on the lawn.
Narrow bird bath on a stand it may be, but it can only see strong winds pass by it, rather than see it act like a sail, where the wind can catch it and tip it over.
And so there lays the rounded bowl for holding the fresh water where wild birds perch to drink, or enter the centre of the dish to bathe.
Quite a shallow bird bath bowl it might be, so that can only assist birds as they use it.
Around the rim of the bird bath bowl are open gaps that is decorative but can allow water to drain through.
Sharing the rim of the water bowl with the real birds is a decorative cast iron bird, but he can, much like the rest of the bird bath - be removed or disassembled.
6. Kingfisher: Bronze Effect Bird Bath

No surprise to find out the made in plastic bird bath is the cheapest to buy on Amazon.
I must say, while I plan to feature only the top ten bird baths on a stand that are available to buy in the UK only; I couldn't resist presenting a cheaper plastic bird bath on a pedestal.
I say cheap because bird baths made in plastic tend to not only be cheaper in cost, but the overall build quality is not there when comparing them to a cast iron or stone bird bath, for example.
So as its made in plastic, its more lightweight so there can be trouble in the littlest of wind.
I therefore recommend you also buy bird bath stabilising pegs to bury into the ground, to keep it standing. And that can benefit if you were using a lightweight plastic bird bath or not.
To be featured on my list, I guarantee you this is one of the better plastic bronze effect bird baths you can buy.
And just by chance happens to be the tallest bird bath on a stand as featured, but weight wise it is one of the lightest.
So while it requires a little assembly, you can get to know how its put together, so you can make any changes if need be.
Bronze effect is the selling point to this bird bath with a wear and tear look and feel; and that is the black markings that represent weathering.
Nice big dish for water settles on top along with a base that is not as small as most options, so that should give you greater stability.
7. DGS: Stone Celtic Ornamental Bird Bath

Natural stone resin bird bath is one that comes at a higher cost on Amazon.
Shorter ornamental bird bath that can only mean its not easy to topple over in wind, so you can rest assured its going to stay standing in poor conditions.
It just happens to be one of the shortest stone bird baths as featured, so this bird bath does offer itself as a small but practical bath.
Benefits to that is, its bound to fit in any small garden or in an area that is short of space.
But where you are sure to benefit most is its child friendly, so while the kids join in by the replenishing with water or cleaning up, there's no chance of this heavy stone bird bath accidentally tipping over.
Promoted as a 'Celtic' ornamental bird bath which takes its name off the pattern that is engraved on the bird bath stand.
Base of bird bath is wider than the bowl sitting on top of the stand so this is where the no tipping over is guaranteed.
But the water bowl is a really nice one too, where it brings that Celtic pattern on the stand, up and around on the outer rim - in smaller scale of course.
Allow wild birds to perch on a thick water bowl rim, but the shallow rounded off bowl is made easy for birds to enter the water.
8. Gardenkraft: Clam Shell Bird Bath with Planter

Plastic bird bath on stand with a bonus planter is fairly cheap on Amazon.
Once again I bring you back to a cheaper in cost plastic pedestal bird bath, only this one is built a little different.
Believe it or not it comes with a planter that is fixed to the base of the stand.
Practical as it can be stunning with blooming flowers, top it up with soil to create extra weight on the bottom for better balance, but once those flowers are at their peak, its sure to benefit the birds who visit.
Simply top up the base with soil and plant the seeds, then allow nature to take its course.
So while this extra weight should keep this bird bath firmly on the ground, you can hopefully avoid the need to anchor it with stabilisers.
Stand of bird bath is fixed to the centre of the planter and is quite a decorative one, which will end up connecting to a 'clam shell shaped' water bowl.
Supporting this detailed clam shell dish is a pair of ornamental birds perched on the rim.
Assembly is required so the wild bird ornaments are optional, but where it can be taking apart can only mean its easy clean when the time comes.
9. Smart Garden: Solar Tipping Pail Bird Bath

This solar powered, stone bird bath is not cheap to buy on Amazon, costing you well over £100.00.
Probably deserves to be listed higher up on my top ten bird baths list, but this bird bath is one of many, so is good enough to make the top ten.
Once again, much like the solar powered fountain bird bath I have listed near the top, this one is only different by the theme alone.
Meaning a little boy and girl are busy tipping water into a pail, which in turn is running into an ornamental well - and that is the centrepiece of this fountain bird bath.
Practical ornamental pail too as its this where the actual running water filters through from the reliable pump in use on this bird bath.
You therefore get a nice gentle trickle of running water that runs onto the large dish below it - where wild birds will drink or bathe.
To operate the solar power feature, it uses two solar panels fixed opposite side of the bird bath, so just about level with the rim.
Not a bright bird bath but a darker theme that is sure to blend in nicely with most landscapes.
Deep bird bath dish could probably do with a helping of pebbles to make it more shallow, while a less narrow base can sit on a tighter spot in the garden if need be.
10. Wildlife World: Coniston Bird Bath Stem Set

Fairly priced on Amazon for a known brand name bird bath made in ceramic-like material.
Last but not least on my all time top ten bird baths on stand, which you can buy in the UK only, is this Coniston bird bath that has the short or tall stem option.
Its then possible to use this bird bath in three ways: first short stem alone; use it with bowl to make it taller; or use the bowl on its own as a sort of bird bath bowl only.
In the meantime I would recommend using it with the taller stem with bird bath bowl fixed on top, before experimenting another time with the other configurations.
Not the usual stone bird bath this one, but one made in an environmentally friendly material known as Claypas.
It can be a matt or a glossy finish but you'd come to find it feeling like a ceramic bird bath if you didn't know it was made in recycle plastic already.
Contemporary bird bath is what I would categorise this bird bath, so is sure to look the part in a very modern garden landscape - but that's not to say it can't fit in to any garden that needs a modern twist.
Stack the Coniston bird bath as to see the bowl balanced on top, but it won't do no harm to add some pebbles for the birds well being.
Not the tallest of bird baths but certainly one that is the heaviest, so do be careful setting it up as it requires a lot of bending over.