Pedestal Stone Bird Baths
Sculptured, cast pedestal stone bird baths, made from real stone or moulded from concrete - or cement - that blends well and looks beautifully natural in their surroundings.
Site a genuine, tall stone pedestal bird bath within your garden landscape to offer a natural as it can be, bathing or drinking source for wild birds. Stone bird baths can be located within growth to offer protection against wind, but the weight of most stone bird baths on a pedestal tend to counter the wind.
- Statues & Sculptures: Spiral Stone Bird Bath
- Discount Garden Statues: Leaf Stone Bird Bath
- Discount Garden Statues: Octagonal Stone Bird Bath
- Discount Garden Statues: Art Deco Stone Bird Bath
- Discount Garden Statues: Celtic Stone Bird Bath
- Discount Garden Statues: Fruit Stone Bird Bath
- Discount Garden Statues: Sunflower Stone Bird Bath
- Discount Garden Statues: Lilly Stone Bird Bath
- Discount Garden Statues: Devon Stone Bird Bath
- Statues & Sculptures: Fluted Stone Bird Bath
What I have for you here is what I believe to be among the best pedestal stone bird baths on the market, and what you will soon notice, are mostly made by the same producer.
Tall, pedestal bird baths are fully cast in reconstituted stone or a concrete mix. Its therefore normal to see the bird bath in stone weather in a pleasant way.
Pedestal bird baths have a stem that lifts the water source far up off the ground, where the corresponding stone bird bath bowl is connected to or balanced on top.
Stone bird baths are naturally heavy so you shouldn't have trouble with it toppling over.
Stone is made to blend into the garden landscape, so its up to you to site the bird bath in a way that can be seen, and accessed by wild birds.
So position it into undergrowth to protect the bath in high winds, while made accessible to clean the bird bath once in a while.
Pedestal stone bird baths are made in a cast mould before releasing it to be tidied up around the mould joint - resulting in what is a solid water source in the garden.
Pedestal stone bird bath data
Product Name: | Height: | Kg: |
Statues & Sculptures: Spiral Stone Bird Bath | 63cm | 41 |
Discount Garden Statues: Leaf Stone Bird Bath | 61cm | 30 |
Discount Garden Statues: Octagonal Stone Bird Bath | 65cm | 58 |
Discount Garden Statues: Art Deco Stone Bird Bath | 62cm | 27 |
Discount Garden Statues: Celtic Stone Bird Bath | 55cm | 60 |
Discount Garden Statues: Fruit Stone Bird Bath | 69cm | 60 |
Discount Garden Statues: Sunflower Stone Bird Bath | 87cm | 65 |
Discount Garden Statues: Lilly Stone Bird Bath | 70cm | 70 |
Discount Garden Statues: Devon Stone Bird Bath | 80cm | 77 |
Statues & Sculptures: Fluted Stone Bird Bath | 63cm | 41 |
In terms of expense, don't expect these heavy, solid pedestal stone bird baths to cost less than £100.00 - as they're are on the pricier range.
But you get what you pay for in terms of quality because you can't go wrong with what is a a garden stone ornament, made to withstand the outdoor elements.
Height of bird bath can make it easy or harder to replenish with water or clean, so pick a taller bird bath if you have trouble leaning.
But as its made primarily in stone, or a mix of cement; these are heavy bird baths that are not to be moved too often - as it can damage them if frequently moved around.
Statues & Sculptures: Spiral Stone Bird Bath

Brand is not cheapest of the bird baths to buy on Amazon, but you'll be rewarded with a quality finished bath.
Quite possibly one of my favourites on this list yet is simply as can be. This spiral style bird bath is sure to compliment any garden landscape.
While the colour appears to be off beige, its quite possible it will be lighter or darker once arrived - as the bird bath weathers in storage.
Nice deep bath that is sure to cater to all wild birds visiting you garden with a round bowl with a generous perching area.
Large, solid, yet hollow base must lay flush on the ground but will stay standing as the base and bowl counter each other out
Discount Garden Statues: Leaf Stone Bird Bath

No going wrong with this highly detailed stone bird bath to buy on Amazon for over £100.00.
Magnificent leaf style stone bird bath is designed with a wide water bowl on top, but a narrow base on the bottom.
I can say the possibility of this stone bird bath tipping over is likely in wind, so follow my tips to not only balance the stone bird bath, but to level off the bird bath in its place.
Moulded in a cast using reconstituted stone and concrete while cleaned up where the mould comes apart.
One of the lightest stone bird baths in the list but can be made heavier if filling up the large bowl to the top.
Rough, rugged texture around the stem of the pedestal bird bath with a growing leaf design that is running up and out from the base.
Discount Garden Statues: Octagonal Stone Bird Bath

Higher end of the market in terms of cost, but savings to be had if bought on Amazon, if FREE delivery applies.
Once again its a wide bowl stone bird bath with a narrower base, yet the octagon shaped bowl is more unique than the rest listed.
So while this stone bird bath is finished in a rugged texture, its still a smoother feeling overall - yet the octagonal shape is present throughout.
Multi-layered design with an subtle eight-sided base that follows up around the pedestal before reaching the bowl.
Not much in details but the overall appearance is not only smooth, but the edging details makes up for lack of patterns.
Discount Garden Statues: Art Deco Stone Bird Bath

Only cheapest stone bird bath to be listed here, and so available to buy on Amazon that costs under £100.00.
French art decor style stone bird bath this time in a short pedestal bird bath, and the shortest bird bath on the list.
Fully cast in an off-white stone yet in time notice how the current finish weathers while blending in with its surroundings.
Tall stone bird bath in appearance but is a short stone bird bath, and a narrow one of that. Short only in comparison to others featured, but still tall overall.
However, along with its wider water bowl and not so less wider base, it should be a bird bath that can stand up with little issues in the wind.
Highly attractive pattern around the base of the stem while fading off to re-appear under the bird bath bowl dish - where its not so visible to the naked eye.
Discount Garden Statues: Celtic Stone Bird Bath

To buy on Amazon would be a safe investment on this chunkier bird bath as it won't topple over so easy.
Height wise, this Celtic style stone bird bath is the smallest on the list, but its bulky appearance can only make it adverse to toppling over.
Quite a small water dish on top in a square shape that as a wide perch.
As you view down the decorative stem it only widens to end up with a much wider base than the water dish above.
Short stone bird bath with a wide base like this one won't see it tip over so easy.
Celtic design around the four-sided pedestal with finer detail around the base, and so to as it matches around the dish side.
Shallow water dish for wild birds to bathe or drink along with a wide perching area.
Discount Garden Statues: Fruit Stone Bird Bath

Lots of cleaning up by hand on this bird bath, but to buy it on Amazon it does come at a reasonable cost.
One of the largest, heaviest stone bird baths thus far, but an attractive bird bath it is which is sure to blend into any garden landscape.
Colouring of the stone is sure to differ by one bird bath to the next, but expect it to have a little weather effect out of the box.
Remarkable stem design that is engraved with fruiting plants; design also seen in a much smaller scale around the rim of the water bowl.
Wide, flat water bowl so a shallow drinking area, but as the base is much smaller it can be prone to tipping, so take precautions.
Discount Garden Statues: Sunflower Stone Bird Bath

One of the tallest bird baths to buy on Amazon but it certainly isn't the costliest, so is considered a good buy.
Tallest stone bird bath on pedestal of the lot, but one that is encrusted in a sunflower design that up and around the stem.
Chunky water dish that is quite deep in the middle, but is much narrower than the wider water dishes featured so far.
Little smaller base so can be prone to tipping, but as its also one of the heaviest but tallest stone bird baths - it won't be done so easy.
Shelter the bird bath into overgrow to protect it from wind or position near a hedgerow anyway as to provide close proximity cover for bathing or drinking wild birds.
Discount Garden Statues: Lilly Stone Bird Bath

Little cheaper to buy on Amazon but as it happens its still a hefty bird bath at a good height.
Theme of this pedestal stone bird bath this time is a simple lilly encrusted on the stem of a smoother, four-sided pedestal.
Tall in design and a heavy bird bath which is attributed to its chunky, solid structure.
Beautifully designed water dish sitting on top as the lilly design is present here too, only it can offer a more secure perch area for wild birds to drink, as to provide a little footing.
As the bird bath water dish slopes into the middle, birds can walk to the water; but its still imperative to put rocks in the water to offer grip.
Bottom of the stem is a square base that is designed to keep the bird bath standing in any environment, including whatever the wind throws at it.
Grey stone bird bath at first glance but it does have a colouring that is more weathered.
Discount Garden Statues: Devon Stone Bird Bath

Second priciest bird bath to buy on Amazon but that is expected seeing as its both the heavier, and tallest bird bath to buy.
So many layers of intricate detail on what is a very tall bird bath by any standards; only its the heaviest of the lot so its not one to be re-positioned in the garden regularly.
To begin, the water bowl is a rounded one that offers a shallow area for wild birds to congregate, but in a safe way as the rim offers a ridge.
Little detail under the bowl but that is connected to a pedestal with a multi-layered stem, curved in and out, with more intricate detail to break it up.
Finally, the stem cuts short to join up with the extra large base that begins a third of the way up of the thick pedestal - to end up wider than the water dish above.
Bottom heavy base so this stone bird bath won't be toppled over to easy.
Statues & Sculptures: Fluted Stone Bird Bath

Not on purpose but I leave you with the costliest stone bird bath to buy on Amazon, but with no extra cost on delivery.
This Statues & Sculptures 'fluted style' stone bird bath is a basic but practical one, and while its last on the list, its not to say its the worst.
Standard height in line with the current bird baths featured, but its a little lighter than most as the stone cast is in fact more hollow - rather than being all stone and cement.
Lovely rounded water dish that can be deep with a dramatic drop, but the perch can offer some protection.
As the water dish curves into the pedestal underneath it, it curves out again before ending up at the solid base.
Beige bird bath but can weather differently, so don't expect the finish to be identical to one pictured, but more weathering is expected once left out in the garden.