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Do bird tables compliment garden

Bird tables can be used much like wooden garden furniture, but rather than cater to people, a bird table encourages wild birds to come to your garden.

Bird tables do compliment gardens due to the way they're built in wood, as it tends to match the structures currently in use in the garden. Large, heavy bird tables can fill a void on a large open lawn or patio, while visiting wild birds who are bound to use it are sure going to compliment the garden with their presence.

Rather than being a lame duck sitting out in all weathers while decaying, common structures cannot outdo that of a bird table that serves a purpose.

Unless you hang up bird feeders or use a less attractive, but still complimentary in many cases - metal bird feeding station - it would be difficult to encourage birds to feed in your garden.

To have wild birds make use of a wooden bird table is not only going to bring your garden to life, but imagine the beautiful bird songs, playful behaviour and multiple colours of birds who will indeed drop by.

Position the bird table bang in the centre of the lawn, but not in a way that doesn't fit in with the landscape.

Site the bird table further back into a quieter spot away from the house where movement and noise by you or the family would only scare them away.

Bird tables Fill a void

Bird tables certainly do complement the garden, as it fills the void in the middle of the lawn or on the patio.

Complimentary is due to how bird tables are made, so the wooden bird tables on a stand is going to be a better option.

To fill the void in an otherwise too large garden or bland landscape, a very large bird table can make use of this empty space, with a purpose.

Much like using garden furniture on a patio or decking, the bird table is for use on the lawn, positioned further out to not disturb birds.

However, the pick of the bird table must at least complement the garden in a way of matching other wooden decor or in colour theme, or preferably both.

To compliment the garden the bird table should be positioned in a way that is not awkward, but more fitting to its surroundings.

Make it centre of attention

Appreciation will be seen as the bird table is located in the centre of the garden, preferably on a slab or patch of decorative gravel.

You do risk making the bird table appear more out of place if you don't fit the table into a more natural surrounding.

While right in the middle of the lawn would make more sense, there's issues to deal with.

First of all, you'd want to be sure you do want the bird table inline with the corresponding landscape - while not just being centre positioned for the sake of it.

On top of that, the positioning of a bird table must be done in a way that is more secluded, as to not discourage wild birds arriving if the selected spot is indeed a noisy, busy one with pets or people nearer to the house.

Make it centre of the lawn, but there's certainly no harm it moving it up the garden.

Encourages wild birds to visit

What better way to compliment your garden than by turning it into a busy wild bird sanctuary, filled with all bird species who are sure to stop by to feed.

Your garden will remain quiet until you can attract wild birds to come along, and its not that hard to do either.

Position the bird table in the middle of the garden, out of the way to gradually view birds stopping by to use it.

To locate the bird table near a hedgerow or tree currently busy with birds at the best of times is sure a good start.

While it was once a too quiet garden can suddenly be transformed into a bird watchers paradise - providing you continue to replenish the bird table with feed or the little beggars will soon forget about your garden.

Blends in with garden structures

Most people would commonly have either one or more of a wooden garden shed or storage, decking, flower pots and perhaps decking.

To compliment your garden with use of a bird table, the model must fit in with its current surroundings.

Do not use a dark oak colour bird table with a nearby fence painted in green or with an orange tint - it won't look nice at all so can appear more tacky than anything else.

Instead, anticipate a colour match of wooden structures in your garden to match them all up in near identical shades.

If not, you can position the bird table in a more natural coverage garden filled with green grass, hedgerows and plants where a matching colour scheme is not important.

I would say though I do prefer a bird table painted in dark oak, or any dark shade of brown really.

Planter, bird table double act

I would say most traditional bird tables on a stand can blend in with most garden landscapes, while complimenting the surroundings in the most natural way.

But only sometimes mind you, as a bird table can appear out of place with lack of landscaping.

What you can think about doing, if not positioning the bird table within a few feet away from natural coverage - is bring the blooming coverage to the bird table.

One option is to buy a bird table with a planter fixed to its base; with an option to fix a bird table to a planter that is not intended for use with a bird table - so you'd need a little experience in woodworking.

Birds love to use natural landscaping in the garden, preferring to perch on a tree branch or on top of a low hedgerow, or something more man-made.

If you get started now, you can compliment the garden by growing new plants in the area of the garden that is for the bird table.

To summarise

Compliment your garden more with use of a stunning, extra large bird table on a stand, over something a little more flimsy, while being too small in size.

Small bird tables have their place in a garden with limited space, but to fill the void on a reasonably large garden, use a large bird table.

No need to centre the bird table, but it would complement the garden more without appearing too out of place.

But in centring the bird table on the lawn, you'd need to push it away from the busy house as to not disturb feeding birds - providing it not then sited too near a public highway.

Encouraging birds to use your garden to feed or even nest is certainly going to compliment the garden with wildlife.

Moreso if its a wooden bird table that matching the wooden decor setup already - but a metal bird table can have its place within a modern landscape.

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