Best Gardman sunflower bird feeders
Only can you reply on Gardman to release a series of feeders for sunflower hearts, also suitable for use with all bird seed mixes.
When considering the best Gardman sunflower bird feeders, rely heavily on ease of use, access to clean, perches for use of multiple seed mixes, so that you don't have to use sunflower seeds only. Our selection is all about Gardman with hanging seed feeders making up the best of.
Rely on Gardman for producing not just a practical use of bird seed feeders, but feeders that really do last the test of time; whether they're made in plastic or heavy-duty metal.
Gardman sunflower bird feeders have been refined over time; crafted into a feeder that deposits larger sunflower seeds with ease, well making it easy for you to refill.
We've compiled best Gardman bird seed feeders for sale in the UK and Ireland, based on popularity, durability and just how attractive the seed feeder will look in your garden.
All you need is to focus on is a good quality sunflower seeds for wild bird mixes.
Saying that, we would ask of you to focus on feeders that have larger holes for the big sunflower seeds, with multiple perches to allow the smaller birds to feed only.
Not intended but a bonus of seed feeders will deter larger birds, making it impossible to feed off seed feeders that often have small perches.
That also makes them squirrel proof seed feeders which we also have in our list below.
Big seeds, big holes
One thing you may have noticed with sunflower hearts or black seeds, is that they're a larger seed mix over all other types of bird seeds.
That can only mean they won't fit classic clear tube seed feeders in the traditional sense, but rather a more specialist sunflower seed feeder will be required.
Unlike common bird seed feeders for sale in the UK, you'll need to look for feeders that are promoted for use with sunflower seeds.
And well you can use these same feeders for use with all seed mixes, or can't use sunflower seeds in feeders with small holes.
That means you can use sunflower seed feeders for, well black sunflower seeds or hearts, and the more common smaller seed mixes.
Port holes in clear tube feeders allow the smaller seeds to flow under and out, well feeders for sunflower seeds need larger hole for birds to bring out with no obstructions.
Clear feeders need a perch
To feed wild birds in the garden, all types of seeds must be presented in a feeder that allows the seed mix to flow out of the exist holes with ease.
Clear plastic tubes will do just the job and are only promoted for use with seeds only.
And well birds can usually cling onto all types of materials, its near impossible for them to grip onto slippery, clear plastic tubes.
Hence the reason why all bird seed feeders have a set of two or more perches that corresponds to the port holes to feed.
Without them the birds won't be able to perch as they feed through the small open holes.
Unlike traditional seed feeders, the ones designed for sunflower seeds still require the use of perches, though the holes are usually cut out of the clear plastic tube.
Port holes for the small seeds allows them to drop with ease, but in the case of bigger sunflower seeds the shape and size of them don't flow out of feeders the same way.
Easy access, easy to clean
When selecting a feeder for sunflower seeds make it so it can be disassembled with ease for that all important cleaning at the end of the week.
Well your seed feeder will need cleaning once a week or so, you'll need to pull the it apart before a real, thorough clean can be done.
When manufacturers build there bird feeders, they do so in a way where the feeder can be clipped or pushed together.
So its the way they assemble the feeder that can then be pulled back part.
Not in a destructive way mind you, but rather with use of a unscrew, lift up and over action to safely dissemble the feeder.
As our 'best of' feeders only refer to the Gardman range, they build much of their products in pretty much the same way.
Therefore, it only requires you to undo the perch by hand or with use of an allen key to pull away the base from the clear plastic tube.
To pull off the lid with corresponding fixings, it usually means threading through the hook off the horizontal bar that goes across, inside the feeder.
Once the hooks off, then you'll be able to remove the lid, but not before as its secured on.
Keep big birds away
One advantage of seed feeders is that they naturally keep larger, nuisance birds away, well only allowing the more pleasant small garden birds to feed.
With peanut or fat ball feeders the mesh of the nuts and the cage of the fat ball feeders allow for all species of birds to feed, regardless of there size.
And well that may be the point of them to allow all birds to feed, larger birds can become a nuisance for smaller birds so restrictions are required.
When using a sunflower seed feeder, you'll notice a trend on must designs.
First, the often small, narrow perch or perches will only allow small birds to settle before using said perch to feed through the gaps.
Well large birds may just be able to get a foothold on the perch, it will be near impossible for them to feed through the holes, as there larger bodies will prevent them doing so.
With that in mind, we haven't forgot about those of you who wish to stop squirrels using the seed feeder, therefore we have a couple of options for you.
Bonus, these squirrel proof feeders should deter larger birds from accessing the feeders through the cage that makes up the proof/guard design.
Our personal best
Here we have it, the following seven sunflower bird feeders are what we consider to be the best of the best.
Seven is not a random number, but more so a number we've reached when compiling our best sunflower feeders.
There're more feeders on the market, but we've left out the ones we consider to be of no use or not up to the standard you'd expect for your garden.
If you're interested in reading more about the following feeders, simply click on the product title to visit the Amazon page where you can also buy it from.
Gardman: Heavy-Duty Sunflower Hearts Feeder

One of few Gardman feeders that are made specifically for sunflower hearts only, well this one will hold up to 1kg of seeds, so should get you through the week without refilling.
However, if you have a smaller quantity of seeds that won't fill to the top, the design allows for a refill of only 2 or three inches, so only a small amount of seeds are needed.
That way, rather than filling to the top, you only need to fill to the level where the lowest positioned holes are set near to the bottom of the base.
You can then fill up the feeder more or less depending where the feed holes sit, and how many seeds you can spare at any one time.
Well it may be possible for the wild birds to use the cut out holes to cling to, they would really need use of the perches to feed through the holes.
Its easy to clean as it is to disassemble; simply undo the lowest perches with the allen key included, to which it will then release the base from the tube.
Its then possible to remove the hook from the feeder, before disconnecting the lid to soak it all for a thorough clean.
When you need to top up with seeds, simply lift up the lid to create a large gap below it.
Gardman: Flip Top Sunflower Hearts Feeder

Designed with sunflower hearts in mind, this all plastic construction 'flip top' feeder is lightweight and durable.
Only part that isn't made from durable plastic is the strong metal hook which happens to look like a handle for hanging off a bracket or the bird feeding station.
Unlike the usual Gardman feeders that have a lift up lid, this one uses the novelty 'flip top' design that simply pops up for refilling with seeds.
Small feeder as it is but only a small quantity of seeds will be needed to reach the first step of feed holes, with the interior base using a slope to force seeds to the holes.
Solid plastic base is essential to stop the seeds dropping out the bottom, but this one is built in with a set of perches.
Likewise, the perch above this one cuts straight through the plastic tube to create two useful perches for a number of birds to feed at one time.
If you're going to clean it then it needs pulling apart. But rather than undoing or screwing to release all sections, it only needs a pull or a tug.
Screw the top part to release it from the plastic tube, well the base needs twisting to align up the ridge with the slots, so it comes off with ease.
Then pull out the middle perch to have up to four pieces to wash thoroughly in a bucket.
Gardman: Black Steel Sunflower Hearts Feeder

Make the most of this Gardman black steel sunflower heart feeder with little feed going to waste due to its size - requires less seeds, so less to waste.
Short, wide with a small quantity of seeds filled to the top will see less seeds go in the bin or rot in the tube, which is always a problem with the larger feeders.
And well the larger feeders need refilling less often, you should consider the health of wild birds before benefits to you.
With all that in mind, this made from black steel feeder fits the bill.
Practical as it is attractive, the perches are fitted below the feeding holes just above it, well a wider roof should go towards preventing water flowing in through the holes.
Its not a smooth steel but rather a decorated black steel with texture that matches the steel ring/hook for hooking onto bird feeding stations and wall brackets.
With a hook this small it will fit just fine, though you'll need a hook extension to hang the sunflower feeder on a tree branch of a non standard bracket hoop.
Take it all apart for cleaning at the end of the week with use of a simple twist to pull of the lid/roof, which is also where you top it up with fresh seeds.
And with use of an allen key you can twist off the perches that protrude through the clear plastic tube and into the base to keep it locked in place.
Gardman: Black Steel Seed Feeder

Short but attractive feeder, made from durable steel construction with and a strong, clear polycarbonate feed chamber.
What that basically means is its a clear plastic tube that all seed feeders are made from, and well the feed is clearly seen from birds, they can only feed from small feeding holes.
The metal rods around the bottom are actually bird perches attached to a catching tray.
Its not practical in a way it prevents seeds falling to the ground, its just there for seeds to spill onto for the birds to gobble them up, instead of using the holes.
A small hook connects to the corresponding hoop on an independent feeding station or a wall bracket.
Black steel texture makes up the roof, which also happens to be a lid to fill up with seeds, and so is the base made from the black steel.
Hard wearing feeder that takes small quantities of seeds at any given time, but with perch space for use with several smaller garden birds to feed at one time.
Unscrew from base and lid/roof to pull it all apart, then push in the steel perch rods with a little bend to disassemble it all together.
Bump in the base interior will force the sunflower seeds around the outside to where the holes are to be in reach of feeding birds.
Gardman: Heavy-Duty Seed Feeder

Well we've previously mentioned all feeders for sunflower seeds only, this large, heavy-duty model is made for all seed mixes, including sunflower hearts.
Now, it has the standard port holes that require the seed to fall below the hole line, before the birds can poke there beaks in to feed on seeds.
Problem with this method with use of larger sunflower hearts is that they don't flow like smaller, smoother seeds. They more or less clung together in one big heap, but if its a quality mix you won't have an issue.
Nevertheless, its a bird seed feeder you will need for hanging off your bird feeding station for use by wild birds with great effect.
Little seeds are needed despite its size, and well you only need to fill it up to the first set of perches or the next level up; filling up to the top is not necessary as you risk wastage.
To fill up with seeds the Gardman feeder has the classic lift up lid that slides on the hook.
Its vital you disassemble this feeder more than others due to its size and the possibility of hard-to-reach feed rotting in the tube, so will needing cleaning.
Don't be intimidated by its looks, its actually very easy to pull apart.
All you need to do is use the allen key that comes with the feeder to unscrew the lowest positioned perches.
This will in turn dissemble the part hole mechanism plus the metal base its fixed too.
To separate the lid and hook from the feeder, its a simple case of following the bend in the hook on the end well threading it through until it comes undone.
Gardman: Heavy-Duty Squirrel Proof Seed Feeder

What better way to deter larger nuisance birds, but also for the reason it was build for; preventing squirrels steeling seeds contained within the tube.
Almost solid metal construction other than the clear plastic tube that holds the feed.
Distance outside cage to the feeding holes above the four perches are a fair distance apart, so will be out of reach for most large birds and squirrels.
Though there is always a clever squirrel that will find a way, so position the hanging feeder the right spot; the bird feeding station on a pole is a good start.
Gaps between the cage is wide enough for small birds to pass through; Tits, Sparrows, Robins - but not so wide as to let Starlings or Crows to gain access.
With the plastic clear seed feeder at the centre of the squirrel proof guard, the much wider outer cage will need to be positioned as to not bump hanging feeders near by.
That is helped with a rather large hook for hanging off not just brackets, but a branch if you're lucky to have a tree in your garden.
Simple large pop off lid to refill with a supply of seeds, and due to the metal construction, the weight alone will help keep the heavy lid on in high winds.
Its not hard to disassemble as it appears, but you will need to as to give it a good clean.
Gardman: Squirrel Proof Seed Feeder

Rather than being all metal, the cage is instead built from a plastic coating with wiring at the centre, which also helps to create the shape.
Its still a durable plastic coated wiring which also acts as the hook for hanging.
At the heart of the 'squirrel proof' feeder is the tube itself that holds the seeds, and a standard feeder it is.
It has two port holes along with the all important perches, positioned just right as to allow the small birds to pass through the wiring and onto the perches to feed.
Distance from outer cage to feeder in the centre is not as wide as the squirrel proof feeder we've spoken about above, but is still a distance that will keep unwanted visitors away, including larger birds.
No fuss pull off metal top lid with knob on for grabbing; lift off for refilling, then put back in place to secure it. Its a metal lid so is quite heavy, so will stay on without needing to fix it.
It is possible to pull it apart so it can be given a thorough clean, and it starts by undoing the two perches to release the base from the tube.